I like travelling, exploring foreign and exotic places, sea, islands and mountains. I like meeting people.
When visiting a foreign country I usually take a radio with me. Sometimes it is a proper DX-pedition when I enjoy the pile-ups, sometimes a contest and sometimes just a modest QRP or mobile operation. I enjoy it all just for the fun of it.

Over the years I have operated from a number of DX and IOTA locations e.g. 3A, 3V8, 4U, 5B4, 9A, A61, HS, IC8, ID9, IS0, SV9, TF7, etc.
QSLs are still available for all of these. I QSL 100% but bureau cards sometimes take years.
For details click below:

List of my DX and foreign activities

A summary of my foreign operations with QTH, locator, IOTA, date and QSL information.

Links to some websites devoted to DX-peditiong that I support or am a member of:

OKDX Foundation - Czech DX Foundation
OKDX Foundation - CESKÝ RADIOAMATÉRSKÝ NADACNÍ FOND je nevýdělecnou organizací, jejímž posláním je organizování a zajištování radioamatérských expedic do vzácných zemí a regionů

The site for DXers who like to travel.
The ‘F’ in DXFC stands for ‘Feet’: countries in which you have stepped foot. This is for licensed radio amateurs who like travelling.

The Northern California DX Foundation

Since 1972 this organization supports major DX and scientific activities.